REMS - Reduced Energy Mining System

“REMS” is the name of the patented open cut technology developed by Emergent Mining Technologies Pty Ltd (EMT). REMS can be applied to almost all open pit coal mines where draglines are operated. The introduction of REMS can be undertaken without any significant capital investment as REMS largely utilizes the existing mining equipment. REMS is a revolutionary new mining technology developed as the result of several years of detailed technical studies and investigations undertaken by independent technical experts, involving significant R&D investment, all targeted at the study of input energy minimisation throughout the mining process. This exhaustive analysis and capital investment was undertaken in response to the mining industry’s need to dramatically improve efficiencies, reduce costs, and lower its GHG emissions in order to remain relevant and sustainable into the future.
The development of REMS has employed the extensive use of computational 3D modelling and visualisation software for precise and practical systematic mining analysis, which has then been practically verified by recognised industry operations personnel. This provides mine operators with significant confidence in the applicability of REMS and the outcomes that it will deliver.

REMS delivers the following benefits:

  • Safety of Personnel – Improved Safety in Open Pit Operations
  • Operating Costs – Up to 20% Reduction in Direct Operating Costs
  • Production Capacity – Increase of up to 50% with existing Equipment
  • Working Capital – Releases Cash from Mine Inventories
  • Rehabilitation Costs – Significantly Reduces Costs, Liabilities and Bonds
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions – 25%-35% Reduction in Emissions
Our REMS Fact Sheet, Introductory Presentation and Technical Presentation provide some more detail on REMS. Please click one one of the images to view either the Fact Sheet, the Introductory Presentation or the Technical Presentation online:

facesheetintropres       techpres


EMT has made a substantial capital investment in the development of the REMS patented technology. EMT’s business model involves the licencing of the REMS technology to industry and mining operators via appropriate technology licencing agreements so that they may utilize the patented technology and derive the benefits that its implementation offers.
More information on EMT’s business and the benefits that its technology can offer can be found from the following website and enquiries can be forwarded to the following email –